Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Happy (almost) New Year!
It’s that time of year again.  Most of us are recovering from our holiday celebrations and now find that we are ready to set resolutions.  But how do we do this in a way such that we don’t dread the process?  This year I suggest a more positive approach to resolutions so that you look forward to achieving them.
Set aside one or two hours to set your resolutions.  Go to your favorite coffee shop or library, find a quiet space and get yourself a cup of tea.  Then choose some motivating tunes or calming music, open your laptop or notebook and start writing.
To start, do a review of your year, focusing on your achievements.  Did you start a new job, have a baby, move to a new house?   Perhaps you managed a stressful situation really well or you comforted a friend in time of need.  If you are reading this blog, then you have taken interest in your health and wellness which is an accomplishment!  Write all of this down and then congratulate yourself for your successes.  
Next, think about what you would like to achieve in 2011.  Perhaps you want to lose weight, eat better, run a 10K sleep well or just feel happier.  Write this down.
Now, phrase these goals in terms that are measurable, achievable and positive.  You don’t want to set goals that set yourself up for failure!  Instead of only focusing on a number of pounds, think about losing body fat or dropping a dress size.  Also, make sure that your goal is within a healthy range.
Then write down how you plan to achieve these goals.  This is the key to success!  To lose weight you will want to change your diet, increase your activity and mobilize your support networks.
And there’s one more step in the whole process.  It’s all in how your phrase things.  Keep your resolutions positive! Let me give you a simple example:
Resolution: I resolve to eat less chocolate:
Rephrase as: I resolve to choose snacks that are healthy and nourish my body.  
How I plan to accomplish this:
  1. Buy healthy snacks to keep in the house.
  2. Choose chocolate that is high quality and eat in small quantity
  3. When the urge to eat chocolate occurs, ask myself if chocolate is what I really want - perhaps a moment of meditation or calling a good friend will be more nourishing.
Resolutions can be a great way to set in motion positive changes in your life.  Don’t feel burdened by them but rather excited by the possibility of enriching your life.  If you would like to discuss your resolutions and how to phrase them in a positive way, please feel free to contact me.
Be well.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Maintaining Fitness

I love this article about maintaining fitness!  But the catch is that you have to have a base of fitness to start.  For one thing, it is reassuring during crazy weeks or even months - as long as you continue to do some sort of physical activity at least once or twice a week, you won't lose all of your gains in strength and endurance.  Of course, it wouldn't be ideal to continue that over an extended period of time but in the short-term, it's ok.

The last few weeks have proven challenging for me to get to the gym!  And when I'm there, I often have only 20 or 30 minutes to do some sort of workout.  Today I was able to get in a longer workout and was pleasantly surprised that I'm pretty much where I left off a couple of weeks ago.  So, I am living proof - as long as you do something you can continue to make progress once you get back into a regular program.

Be well.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Great tips from The Happiness Project

Wow, what a crazy time of year.  I have exciting news to share in the The New Year but for now, enjoy this post from The Happiness Project.

Be well.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Becoming a fit parent

There is so much pressure on parents.  We are constantly being bombarded with information that our children are inactive, undernourished and overfed, disengaged and stressed.  But we must ask ourselves, where are they learning this?  What do we teach them when we live our lives in an unfit way?  Of course, we would like the schools to have more activity, better nutrition and less testing but what are we  modeling at home and on the weekends?

Are we, as parents, teaching them to live a fit life?  

How can being fit make us better parents?

By not taking the time to care for ourselves we are not modeling behavior that we need our children to develop.  Not just for their health now, but for their health as they move through the challenging stages of their lives. We need them to learn from us how to incorporate fitness into their lives and how to live a full and fit life.  

I'm not a fan of affirmations, but this one literally just came to me.  

When I move my body,
I have more energy for my child.
When I build my muscles,
I have more strength for parenting.
When I nourish my body,
I am better able to nurture my child.
And when I engage my spirit,
I am an engaged parent.

Before I incorporated fitness into my life, I was not the parent I wanted to be.  My patience with Lucy was limited.  While she played outside, I sat, exhausted, in a fold-up chair. I was tired.  I was overwhelmed. I was a bit lost.

When I started to exercise, eat better and reach out to friends who could support me, I found that I became a more patient parent.  I took the time to listen to Lucy and respond to her in a respectful way.  I set boundaries that were healthy for both of us.  And I had the energy to play with her. I took the time to cook with her and teach her about food.  Of course, I'm not perfect and I get frustrated when I shouldn't and I occasionally check-out while scanning facebook, but overall, I feel that I am better parent and model for my child.

This is not meant to put more pressure on us as parents but rather to remind us of the old term that when we take care of ourselves, we are better able to take care of others.  So I encourage you to take care of yourself.  When you incorporate fitness into your life, you become a more fit parent, pun intended.

Be well.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Recharging and Refueling

The past two and a half weeks have been incredibly draining both physically and emotionally.  We had two deaths in the family and found ourselves traveling either up or down the I-95 corridor on a near daily basis.  Miraculously I was able to maintain some degree of an exercise routine but my meals were rushed and unplanned and my spiritual self was stressed and exhausted.

Then, Thanksgiving arrived which was a mixed blessing.  We still traveled between NYC and Philly to see family but we were no longer traveling for funerals or shiva; we were taking a break to be with the family left behind who find themselves grieving and trying to move forward.  We reminisced, laughed and rested.

Today I awoke feeling depleted.  Too tired to eat with just enough energy to drink coffee.  I tried to rest and read the NY Times but even that required too much.  I pulled out my knitting but that did not offer the comfort that it usually provides as my hands move in sync, yarn gliding through my fingers.  No, my spirit needed something else but I didn't know what.

When I speak to clients, I talk about four areas of fitness:  cardiovascular, strength, nutrition and spiritual.  The last does not necessarily refer to religion but rather to activities, people or experiences that renew your soul.  That fill you up.  It occurred to me that I was not in a spiritually fit place and my usual coping skills either were not working or were not available as most of my friends were also away visiting family.

And, then a miracle.  Lucy and I were going through old family photos when she suggested that we do some yoga.  I had mentioned that I needed to exercise but that it seemed a bit cold and windy for a jog.  So, she took it upon herself to do sun salutation and suggested that I do the same.  I agreed with a bit of hesitation as I haven't practiced yoga in a while but soon I found myself breathing in rhythm with my body, moving from one pose to the next.

Lucy got bored, as my 6 year-olds do, but I continued on.  Sun salutation, standing poses, inversions, twists.  After 30 minutes my energy improved and I found myself in awe of what my body could do.  Over the last 18 months I have improved my endurance, strength and flexibility.  And now, I could seamlessly move from downward dog into cobra, shifting the weight of my body over my hands without touching my knees.  Wow.

My lungs sighed, my shoulders dropped and my eyes brightened.  My body was strong and I was grateful to be in it.  We lost two wonderful people two weeks ago but we are still here, living, breathing, connecting.  Just a few minutes of yoga with my child had helped me to find the energy to move through today and hopefully I will continue to incorporate this into my fit life.

How do you stay spiritually fit?

Be well.

Monday, November 22, 2010

My first inspirational email

I decided to send out an email to all my current and potential clients and a few other willing friends.  Maybe it's a bit too cheesy?  But, at the same time, I really believe what I've written here.  What do you think?

With the holidays just around the corner I wanted to send a note encouraging you to enjoy yourselves over the coming weeks.  The media bombards us with messages about how much weight we will gain, how stressed we will be and how much money we will spend.  This hardly makes us look forward to the holidays – instead this time of year becomes a dreaded obligation.

So, how to change this mentality, maintain one’s fitness and have fun?  Here are a few suggestions. 
  1. Move your body.  Exercise helps manage stress.  If you can’t get to the gym, go for a walk outside.  Go to the mall and walk around for 20 minutes before beginning your shopping.
  2. Call a friend or loved one.  Stuck on the I-95 corridor? Hand someone else the wheel and check-in with an old friend.
  3. Play a game.  Pull out Scrabble or Checkers.  Laugh, compete and distract yourself.
  4. Enjoy your food.  Do try to eat healthy meals but also allow yourself the pecan pie you get once a year or your mother’s fabulous sweet potatoes. 
  5. Meditate.  Give yourself 10 minutes a day where you sit quietly, allowing your body to fill with breath and relax. 
  6. Eat breakfast everyday.  Oatmeal, Eggs, Peanut Butter, Fruit, Yogurt.  You will begin your day nourished and ready.
  7. Drink your water.  Of course you know this already!  Also, traveling is a dehydrating experience. 
I wish you all a fun, fit and fabulous holiday season.

Be well.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

keeping the momentum

The last few weeks have been a bit of a blur as I learn the lingo and details of a whole different industry. I am slowly but surely building a client base and continue to be excited about the direction I have taken with my professional life.  My very favorite part though is just being around people who are in generally good health and provide motivation to others.  It's a positive job and the potential to impact an individual's life is pretty great.

One of the things that I have done recently is to write down my own goals both professionally and personally.  It is easy to get into a habit of things and not refocus oneself.  So, I actually set a target weight goal which is keeping me motivated with my eating habits and I also set a goal for exercise - how much, what kind, etc.  You would think that by being at the gym getting in my exercise is easy but like anything else there's always an excuse not to exercise and I refuse to fall into poor habits.

My exercise routine has changed a bit but I still try to get in 30-60 minutes about 5 times a week.  And it could really be anything from a functional whole body circuit to hitting the treadmill to spinning.  At this point, the important thing is TO DO SOMETHING that elevates my heart rate and improves my strength conditioning.  Currently I'm focusing on my core and making sure that it is constantly activated when I'm training.  In turn, my abs are really responding to this and my back rarely hurts.  Amazing how the body can adjust to exercise and make improvements.

As humans, we were designed to be active, not sedentary.  Increasing our overall fitness improves mood, brain activity, immune responses etc.  And if done right, we will look better in our clothes, our skin will be rosier and we'll stand taller.

Some trainers prefer to work with clients who have already attained a high level of fitness but that's not my ideal client.  I want to help an individual find her inner strength to improve herself.  To know that she is strong and powerful.  That she can make changes for the better and that these changes will improve her quality of life.  It may sound a bit naive and optimistic but I'm ok with that.  The rest of life is hard and often downright horrible - I want to offer people hope for a better self.

And, I've lived through the change and I'm still working on myself.  Recently I went to the doctor for my annual exam which included blood work.  I was really nervous about the results.  What if all this exercise and dietary changes hadn't changed what was going on inside of me?  I knew that it had changed me in other ways but when it comes down to it, without improvement of my cholesterol and other levels, it would have been wasted.  Well, my cholesterol is at its lowest in years and is actually in the normal range as well as my triglycerides.  So, the bottom line is that this works.  I didn't take a pill, I didn't have surgery.  I did this with the help of my trainer, my family and friends and myself.

Be well and stay motivated.  It's worth it.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Building Confidence

Last week I trained both Mitch and my friend Amy.  It is really quite fun to come up with routines for them because I'm forced to be creative: Mitch has back problems as does Amy plus Amy has a broken big toe.  This posed the greatest obstacle to her workout.  Most of her exercises were either on the ball or mat so that we didn't put pressure on her feet.  It wasn't the most challenging workout but it did get her moving.  At the end of the session I had her do some pelvic tilts and kegel/core breathing exercises.  I first assessed her abs for strength and then I instructed her on how to perform the exercises.  As I was doing this I caught the confused expression on the face of another person in the gym.  I instantly became self-conscious wondering if she thought I was a complete quack.

We finished the session and Amy felt pretty good about it but she thinks I could push her harder.  I'm still trying to find the balance between too hard and not hard enough.  I don't want anyone to pass out on me or not be able to walk for a week!

So afterwards I went to another area of the gym to do my own workout which included squats, lunges, step-up, jumping-jacks, push-ups, etc.  I was also finishing my workout with pelvic tilts and core breathing when at the same time I heard one of the physical therapists at the gym assessing his client's abs exactly as I had done with Amy and then instructing him to do the same pelvic tilts!  I could hardly believe it which made me realized that I do know what I am doing.  I mean, I don't know everything, I'm still learning but I come from a very solid base of knowledge about the body.

At some point as I was leaving the gym it occurred to me that there is no reason that I should have so much unnecessary self-doubt or worry about what other trainers and members think about my workouts.  The reason? I have delivered babies, explored a woman's uterus and manually removed a placenta, managed postpartum hemorrhage, beautifully repaired perineal lacerations, assisted with cesarean sections and helped mothers and babies learn to breastfeed.  That's powerful.

Of course it would be completely unreasonable for me not to be nervous.  I'm not just starting new job, I'm entering a new profession.  But I'm not leaving all of my previous professional and personal experiences behind.  They are coming with me and it is this knowledge that, I believe, is going to set me apart from the pack and enable me to offer women something different and even perhaps a bit more holistic.

If you have lived long enough you come to realize that life is full of constant challenges from all directions: personal, professional and physical.  In a way becoming personal trainer is forcing me to address all of these challenges and I can make a choice.  Either I freak out and pull back, recede into my former self or I can meet these challenges, identify what I can do differently and persevere.  The latter is sooo much harder but that's life.  Without continued efforts to improve and work to my potential, I am merely gliding through life and in turn, not really engaging or enjoying the journey.

Be well.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Isolated Exercises

I'm not talking about doing exercises in complete isolation, far from anyone in the dark recesses of your home.  What I'm referring to is doing exercises that isolate specific muscles such as a bicep preacher curl or a cable tricep press.  The big trend in the fitness world is to do exercises using multiple muscle groups thus mimicking traditional or "caveman" movements.  Woodchopping, sledgehammering, jumping-jacks.  Or this might include the dreaded burpee (ugh.)  Case in point, while at the gym the other day I heard a trainer say: "We will usually do these combined exercises because when do you ever just use your bicep?"

My answer: all the time.

As a mother, I do movements using isolated muscle groups.  I rarely squat then press.  And when was the last time I chopped wood?  I'm not saying that I don't think there's a place for these exercises in a good workout but I am saying that I'm not ready to throw the good ol' bicep curl out of my routine.

For example, as a new mother, I would lift my baby out of the crib or curl her towards my body to nurse or I would lie on my back, elevating her over me like an airplane.  Then I might reach to get something that I had placed very high (hopefully) out of her reach.

I spoke to my new boss about this and asked him for clarification of the term functional exercises.  His response was that the term "functional exercises"  really refers to anything that helps a client complete her activities of daily living (ADLs.)  So is a bicep curl functional?  For some clients yes.  And that woodchop?  For some it may be functional while for others it might just add some variation to a routine and work on core stability.  Or if my client also plays tennis, then woodchopping and sledgehammering would be a great addition to their exercise rotation.

So, with that said, here's a routine I've been working on.  I did this with Mitch today and he liked it but Mitch likes everything I do or at least that's what he tells me.

The following exercises are one compete set.  Repeat 3 times.
Side to side lunges with Bosu Ball
'Round the clock lunges at 12,3,6,9 *
Standing on one foot, dumbbell overhead press then
     bicep curl then
     two handed overhead tricep extension
Dumbbell push-up, then plank row then mountain climber (bring R leg forward back, then the same with L) - do as many of these as you can

Assisted Pull-ups then
Calf raises
Repeat 3 times

On a mat:
Toe taps
Core breathing **


* 'Round the clock lunges: Forward lunge with R leg, then side lunge then back lunge. With L back lunge, side lunge, forward lunge. Reverse. 12 lunges total

**Core breathing: Inhale through nose, allowing abdomen to rise. Exhale and quickly do a kegel, then tighten abs.  Hold 3 seconds.  Repeat 10 times.

Be well and isolate.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Pit Crew

Ok, so I passed the test and will be starting my internship next week and then will begin employment at my gym.  Wow!  It's all happening rather quickly which is a wonderful thing.  I don't want to lose my momentum.

Last week I attended a fabulous workshop on pre and post-natal fitness.  Annette Lang taught the course and I have to say that her knowledge of the subject is impressive.  She focused a lot on the pelvic floor, abdominals, core, back, breathing work and overall strength.  I learned so much and have been incorporating much of it into my own workouts this week.  More specifics at another time.

After the course, I traveled to Vermont with a friend to be her "pit crew" for a 50 mile trail race.  Wow.  This was one fit group of people.  There was a 50 mile race, a 50K and a 50 mile mountain bike race.  I felt so honored to be there with her and witness her accomplishment.  Truly inspiring.

The whole experience got me thinking about personal training and my role in an individual's fit life.  I'm a member of her pit crew.  During a session we can review the ups and downs of the week (track) and fine tune things for the upcoming week. Just as a pit crew would change tires, oil parts and give feedback I can rotate exercises, offer suggestions for stretching and give motivation for the week ahead.  A "pit stop" or training session should literally recharge her batteries and help her to stay focused for the week ahead.  But I'm only one member of her team - hopefully other professionals, friends and family will offer her guidance to stay on track.

For me, my pit crew was comprised of my trainer, my physician, my spouse, Lucy, friends and family.  When I felt that I wasn't making progress, my friends would remind me how far I had come and offer encouragement.  When exercise was the last thing on my mind, my trainer handed me a kettle-bell and made me work harder and forget whatever was bothering me.  When I wanted to quit, my brother told me about a new (and often crazy) exercise routine that recharged my batteries.

So what I'm trying to say is that we all need a pit crew.  Life is can be wonderful but it can also be quite challenging so we all need people to keep us going and offer encouragement.

Who's in your pit crew?

Be well.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Big Day

My test is tomorrow which includes a written multiple choice exam as well as a practical session.  I took both of the practice exams as well as the quizzes and I consistently make between 88 and 91% solidifying my belief that I am forever destined to be a B+/A- student.

When I was studying chemistry and biochem all those years ago I used to sit and read the same paragraph over and over again hoping that at some point some chemical process would make sense.  I could never just accept an equation outright - I had to really understand it.  Unfortunately I am still the same way so instead of just accepting the processes of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation I find myself looking on wikipedia and studying that Krebs chart - the one that haunted me so many years ago.  There's no reason for me to torture myself but I just want to understand all of this - not for a test but for myself.  It didn't seem to matter so much in college as it was just something I had to know to take a test so I could take another test and another test then perhaps go to medical school.  Now I want to understand it for myself and my future clients.  Why, I'm not entirely sure.  But for some reason, at this point in my life I am actually interested in comprehending energy production at a cellular level.  Go figure.

Wish me luck!

Be well.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lots and lots of exercise!

Oh my, a lot of time has passed without any posts.  I've been too busy exercising.

Today I made it to spinning and was pleased to discover that I could complete the whole routine without having to slow down or take a break.  I even pushed myself a bit harder than usual.  Plus, at the end of the class the instructor gave me a few words of encouragement by saying, "you did great today."  It's amazing how these few words really bolstered my spirit.  I felt that I had done well but it was still nice to hear it from her.  This is something for me to remember and be mindful of when I'm working with clients - everyone likes to get positive feedback and be told that they are doing a good job.  In fact, that's a good thing to remember for life!

My husband has asked me to help him get in shape so I have been practicing on him and designing programs for us to do together.  He isn't paying me but instead I am earning "credit" towards the purchase of luxury items.  I realize that there are some who will think that this arrangement is absurd but for us it works. I have the motivation to keep him exercising so that I can acquire credits and his motivation - well that's for him to find.  It's quite strange - for the first time in our relationship I am more passionate about fitness than he his but I know this will change with time.  Plus, I found a really lovely sweater that would be the perfect addition to my fall wardrobe.  haha.

Ok, so hold onto your seats or rather, get out of your seat and plan some gym time.  Here are 3 separate strength training routines.  Each starts with large muscle groups then moves to smaller muscles.  They all include whole body exercises as well as a bit of core training.


8 minute warm-up on treadmill.  HR to about 60-65%

Bosu Jumps - 10 reps on each side x 3 sets
Box step-ups with single arm overhead press (dumbbell) 12 reps x 3 sets

Push-ups 15 then
Plank row with 8 lb dumbell  8 each side
Repeat for 3 sets

Assisted Pull-ups - 3 sets as many as you can do

Cable Curls - 12 -15 x 3sets
Cable Tricep Press - 12 -15 x 3 sets

Heel Raises - 15 x 3 sets

Hamstring Curls using Stability Ball - 12-15 x 3 sets

Stability Ball Crunches 15 x 3 sets

Superman on Stability Ball - hold for 15 seconds x 3



8 minute warm-up on treadmill.  HR to about 60-65%

15 Squat overhead press with medicine ball then
16 Forward lunge and side rotation with medicine ball (8 each side) then
Side to side jumping for 30 seconds - I put a jump rope on floor and jump over it from side to side.

Repeat above for 3 sets.

10-12 Suspended Cable Push-up then
10-12 Suspended Inverted Row

Repeat above for 3 sets.

Using bands:
15 standing biceps curl
15 overhead single tricep extension

Stability Ball Superman hold for 15 secs for 3 sets

Crunches on ball
Crunches with oblique twist

Plank x 30 seconds
Side plank 15 - 30 secs per side

# 3 This one I did alone but hope to do with Mitch tonight.  Almost all bands

8 minute warm-up on treadmill.  HR to about 60-65%

15 squats with medicine ball swing to shoulder height then
12 hamstring bent knee kick-backs with band repeat other side (on elbows and knees) then
12 gluteal bent leg raises with band repeat other side (on elbows and knees)
Repeat above for 3 sets

15 side walks with band, repeat other side - works adductors, ie glutes.

Using Bands:
15 lateral raises
15 overhead press
Repeat above for 3 sets

15 Standing Chest Press
15 Standing Row
Repeat above for 3 sets

12 reverse fly x 3 sets.

15 Push-ups with one hand on 4 lb. Bosu Fitness Ball (7 one side, 8 the other)

20 heel raises x 3 sets

15 Stability ball crunches holding medicine ball overhead x 3 sets

20 Stability ball and medicine ball oblique rotation - sit on  stability ball, extend arms, holding medicine ball with both hands, rotate to side, come to center, rotate to other side.

30 seconds plank.


Be well.

Lots and lots of exercise!

Oh my, a lot of time has passed without any posts.  I've been too busy exercising.

Today I made it to spinning and was pleased to discover that I could complete the whole routine without having to slow down or take a break.  I even pushed myself a bit harder than usual.  Plus, at the end of the class the instructor gave me a few words of encouragement by saying, "you did great today."  It's amazing how these few words really bolstered my spirit.  I felt that I had done well but it was still nice to hear it from her.  This is something for me to remember and be mindful of when I'm working with clients - everyone likes to get positive feedback and be told that they are doing a good job.  In fact, that's a good thing to remember for life!

My husband has asked me to help him get in shape so I have been practicing on him and designing programs for us to do together.  He isn't paying me but instead I am earning "credit" towards the purchase of luxury items.  I realize that there are some who will think that this arrangement is absurd but for us it works. I have the motivation to keep him exercising so that I can acquire credits and his motivation - well that's for him to find.  It's quite strange - for the first time in our relationship I am more passionate about fitness than he his but I know this will change with time.  Plus, I found a really lovely sweater that would be the perfect addition to my fall wardrobe.  haha.

Ok, so hold onto your seats or rather, get out of your seat and plan some gym time.  Here are 3 separate strength training routines.  Each starts with large muscle groups then moves to smaller muscles.  They all include whole body exercises as well as a bit of core training.


8 minute warm-up on treadmill.  HR to about 60-65%

Bosu Jumps - 10 reps on each side x 3 sets
Box step-ups with single arm overhead press (dumbbell) 12 reps x 3 sets

Push-ups 15 then
Plank row with 8 lb dumbell  8 each side
Repeat for 3 sets

Assisted Pull-ups - 3 sets as many as you can do

Cable Curls - 12 -15 x 3sets
Cable Tricep Press - 12 -15 x 3 sets

Heel Raises - 15 x 3 sets

Hamstring Curls using Stability Ball - 12-15 x 3 sets

Stability Ball Crunches 15 x 3 sets

Superman on Stability Ball - hold for 15 seconds x 3



8 minute warm-up on treadmill.  HR to about 60-65%

15 Squat overhead press with medicine ball then
16 Forward lunge and side rotation with medicine ball (8 each side) then
Side to side jumping for 30 seconds - I put a jump rope on floor and jump over it from side to side.

Repeat above for 3 sets.

10-12 Suspended Cable Push-up then
10-12 Suspended Inverted Row

Repeat above for 3 sets.

Using bands:
15 standing biceps curl
15 overhead single tricep extension

Stability Ball Superman hold for 15 secs for 3 sets

Crunches on ball
Crunches with oblique twist

Plank x 30 seconds
Side plank 15 - 30 secs per side

# 3 This one I did alone but hope to do with Mitch tonight.  Almost all bands

8 minute warm-up on treadmill.  HR to about 60-65%

15 squats with medicine ball swing to shoulder height then
12 hamstring bent knee kick-backs with band repeat other side (on elbows and knees) then
12 gluteal bent leg raises with band repeat other side (on elbows and knees)
Repeat above for 3 sets

15 side walks with band, repeat other side - works adductors, ie glutes.

Using Bands:
15 lateral raises
15 overhead press
Repeat above for 3 sets

15 Standing Chest Press
15 Standing Row
Repeat above for 3 sets

12 reverse fly x 3 sets.

15 Push-ups with one hand on 4 lb. Bosu Fitness Ball (7 one side, 8 the other)

20 heel raises x 3 sets

15 Stability ball crunches holding medicine ball overhead x 3 sets

20 Stability ball and medicine ball oblique rotation - sit on  stability ball, extend arms, holding medicine ball with both hands, rotate to side, come to center, rotate to other side.

30 seconds plank.


Be well.

Monday, August 16, 2010

A shopping surprise

So, I've been at this whole fitness thing for just about 17 months and have enjoyed the fruits of my labor in many ways: elevated mood, better sleep and increased energy.  I have lost some weight and fat along the way but I haven't noticed a substantial change in my clothes other than that they seem to feel better when I put them on.  I mostly wear jeans and t-shirts so it's hard to tell if much is really changing in the body shape department.

So you can imagine my surprise when I tried on a dress by one of my very favorite designers and it fit.  It didn't kinda fit with some help from Spanx and wishful thinking - it really fit.  I looked in 3 different mirrors to assure myself that it wasn't an optical illusion.  I didn't even recognize the shape in front of me.  The arms are tone, the shoulders broad and the legs a bit shapely.  To say that I was shocked is an understatement.  I asked the sales girl how it looked and of course she said it looked great but I was still doubtful so I've enlisted a good friend to go back with me to confirm my suspicion - clothes fit me better.

Inspired by my own makeover, I went to the gym today with the express purpose of doing some cardio and core training.  I'm way into this warm-up concept so I warmed up for 8 minutes on the treadmill at about 60% max and then did another 20 minutes at 75% max but then my IT band started causing me some discomfort so I switched over to the stationery bike to do the last remaining 10 minutes.

Then I did the following:

15 crunches on stability ball x 3 sets (be sure that knees are at 90 degree angles)

"Superman" for 15 -20 secs x 3 with belly on stability ball and arms supporting body with hands on floor

10 back extensions on stability ball x 3 sets.

side plank for 15 secs both sides.  I was able to do straight leg for the first set and then bent knees for the second.

Lots and lots and lots of stretching.

Back to the gym tomorrow perhaps with just a strength workout maybe including some plyometrics if I'm lucky. ha ha!

Be well.

Monday, August 9, 2010

My first (sort-of) client

I haven't posted in quite a while but don't think I haven't been meaning to.  Last week we had a staycation of sorts so my exercise was intermittent at best.  But one of the best things was that we spent a day walking around DC and I didn't complain once!  This may seem trivial to some but for me it was monumental - I'm usually intollerant of sight-seeing and am always on the look-out for a bench or chair.  But not this time!  yeah!

My class is going really well.  Much of the science is review for me from all those biochem and nursing courses but what is new is the application to real life, that is, to exercise.  So, I had my first victim, I mean client today so that I could practice some of the basics: warm-up, exercises and stretches.  Since this "client" was my dear friend Amy, I did it along with her.   I designed this to be a mix of total body and arm/chest isolation with some core work throughout by using the exercise ball.  Here's how it went:

10 minute warm-up on treadmill to 60% of  HRmax (exertion of 6/10)
15 minute interval running/walking: 85-92% for 3 minutes, walk for 2 minutes


15 Squat Press with medicine ball: 3 sets

12 Lunges with dumbbell swing, repeat other leg: 3 sets
***Note: Hold weight in arm opposite of leg in front.  Squat down and swing weight up to shoulder  height as you power up.  Make sure that knees are at 90 degree angles!  Don't swing above shoulder.

Using Exercise Ball and Dumbbells

12 bicep curls seated on ball
12 chest press with upper back and neck on ball
12 butterfly
12 single dumbbell overhead tricep (hold weight with both hands).

Drop weights, roll forward a bit and do butt dipps - I know there is a better term for this but it's late.

Repeat above twice.  I would have done one more but Amy was tired.

Using Bosu Ball:

Mountain Climber: hold sides of Bosu with body in plank.  Bring knee forward. Repeat with other leg.

Amy had a hard time with this b/c she had a back injury a number of years ago so we did a few Bosu push-ups instead.  It was her first Bosu experience so I added a bit of stability for her by gently holding the front of the Bosu.


Holding medicine ball over head, bend side to side SLOWLY for 12 -16.  Again, I would have repeated this 2 more times but I didn't want to cause her any back discomfort but I do want to continue to strengthen her back and core.

End with 1 minute of plank.


Drink water.

HR monitor registered 75 minutes, 723 calories.  Yipee!!

Amy is a bit sore which is to be expected.  Our next session will focus more on the upper back, adductors and of course core.

Be well.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Wardrobe Malfunction

Today started out like a typical Monday.  My daughter refused to get up until the very last minute so we found ourselves rushing out the door to catch the camp bus, each holding a banana and energy bar.  Fortunately the bus was running a bit late so Lucy was able to finish her "breakfast" and skipped onto the bus.

As for me, I made my way to the local Starbucks for some coffee and breakfast.  Then I caught up on the news (depressing) and finally opened my textbook.  More science.  Lots of it.  VO2 Max, stroke volume, cardiac output.  It made my head swim and flashback to my younger college days.  It also made me really grateful that fitness has become such a big part of my life!  It's one thing to have my clothes fit better and see muscles where there have been none for quite some time but it's quite another thing to realize just how much my heart is benefiting from all of this too.

Inspired, I then drove over to the local library in search of some more books on exercise physiology.  Major disappointment.  There were lots of books on loosing weight, 90 seconds to a better you and the benefits of geriatric yoga, but there was only one on the actual science of exercise.  Then I thought I would peruse through the most recent exercise magazines only to find that the only ones they had were Men's Health and Men's Fitness.  What's up with that?  Of course, there was a Yoga Magazine and Whole Living (formerly Body and Soul) but otherwise not much else to read.

Then I decided it was time to go to the gym.  Again, I got in my car and drove to the gym only to realize that my gym bag was still at home!  I had left myself plenty of time so I turned around and went back for my bag.  Once I (finally) arrived at the gym, I quickly changed and was about to put my socks on when I realized that I had no shoes.  argh.  But I wasn't going to give up.  I always pack a swimsuit so I put that on with my cap and went for a swim.  That's when I realized that my goggles leaked.  A lot.  That lead me to do some kick board stuff, backstroke and tread water.  30 minutes later I was in the jacuzzi which made all of this ridiculousness worth it.

My daughter was filthy after camp so while she was in the bath allowing her hair to soak in a deep conditioning treatment to reverse chlorine damage, I did the following routine which I modified from here.  And yes, it is harder than it seems:

20 stationary lunges (10 on each leg)
15 push-ups
15 crunches
20 lunges
12 push-ups
12 crunches
20 lunges
9 push-ups
9 crunches
20 lunges
6 push-ups
6 crunches
20 lunges
3 push-ups
3 crunches

Tomorrow will be a better day.

Be well.


I haven't spoken much about Crossfit here, mainly b/c I'm not an expert on it and find a lot of their exercise routines a bit on the crazy side.  But that said, I really do like the philosophy of total body fitness.  Rather than try to explain it myself, check out this article on their site.

On Saturday I attempted a kettle bell routine with minimal success.  I waited too long to exercise outside so after only 18 minutes I found that my HR wouldn't recover and I felt a bit nauseous.  The heat here was unbearable over the weekend.  Should be nicer this week so hopefully I'll be able to go for a nice long walk and enjoy, rather than tolerate, the summer.

Be well and keep hydrated!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Working out your abs

I came across the following workout in Shape Magazine. Though I am NOWHERE as fit as Dara Torres and the exercises are fairly advanced (understatement), I was able to modify a few of them and get quite an ab workout. Let me know what you think!

Dara Torres: How to Get a Flat Stomach Fast

Friday, July 23, 2010

The first class

I attended my first personal fitness trainer class this past Sunday and I was relieved to find that I wasn't a) the oldest b) the only female and c) stupid.  In fact, it now seems that all of that biology, biochem and yes even physics are going to help me to become a trainer.  And, of course, the bachelor's and master's in nursing is going to come in pretty handy too - at some point in my life I actually knew how muscles worked, where they were and what bones they attached to. And, god help me, in the textbook there is even a short section on the Kreb's Acid Cycle and the production of ATP.

More importantly, it felt like this was the right fit.  Oh so many years ago I made a decision to be a health care provider.  At the age of 12 I remember quite confidently telling adults that one day I would be a physician so that I could help children.  Somewhere along the way I realized that medical school probably wasn't going to be the perfect fit I had always thought it would be - it seemed that to really help and improve the health of the population, nursing specifically nurse-midwifery was the way to go.  And it many ways, it has been the perfect fit.  Working in the field of women's health has been incredibly rewarding for me - the knowledge and experience that I have gained over the last 15 years is invaluable.  But overtime I began to feel dissatisfied with what I was doing - I wanted to teach and offer guidance.  In modern medicine there exists very little time to actually provide health information to patients.  The moment had come for me to do something different.

So here I am, at the beginning of that path, or really this is just a little path coming off the one I am already journeying on.  Again, the knowledge and experience I gain will only improve my life and the lives of those around me.  And, perhaps if I'm lucky I will be able to impart wisdom to ready takers and maybe even help someone feel healthier, happier and stronger.

And there's one more thing I learned - my abs need some work!  We did endurance and flexibility assessments on each other and I stupidly volunteered to be the client for the abdominal endurance test and it was HARD! Good news though - incorporating abs into a strength training workout isn't that big of a deal and there are lots and lots of exercises to choose from.  This weekend I will discuss a few of them.

Be well.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The big day is here

I have on a new outfit, my hair is pulled back in a sleek headband and my tummy is filled with eggs, vegies and coffee.  Today is the day that I take the official step into becoming a fitness professional.  My class starts at 10am - I feel like a first-year in college minus the angst of leaving my parents!

In preparation for today I did a 60 minute workout yesterday that felt really great.  It started with 30 minutes on the bike.  I am amazed at how much harder I can work now - I used to keep the "level" at 5 or 6 and now I have to push it up to 9 or 10 in order to keep my HR in a 65-70% zone.  Awesome.

And then I did the following using dumbbells:

With a 10lb dumbbell in each hand:

15 squat and swing to shoulder level
15 squat and overhead press
30 rows - bend at hip, keep back straight, reach to foot alternating arm 15 each side
15 wood chops with 12 lbs
15 push-ups with hand holding dumbbell - 7 on one side, 8 on other.

Repeat above for a total of 3 sets.

Be well and wish me luck!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Getting nervous

My course starts on Sunday and I'm actually getting kinda nervous about it.

Managed to get to the gym today but not for very long.  35 minutes on treadmill walking briskly at an incline.  Then using the cross-cable machine I did push-ups and pull-ups which I've described here.

Perhaps kettle-bells tomorrow or another long circuit routine....

Sleep well.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Slow day

I had every intention of exercising today but just felt exhausted.  I did manage to do some of my required reading for my course which starts on Sunday!  It felt a bit hypocritical to be reading about fitness and not actually exercising but some days are like that.

I did make another yummy salad that I would like to share:

4-6 servings depending on how hungry you are!
1 cup red quinoa - regular quinoa is also ok
1 can chickpeas
1 can artichoke hearts in brine - roughly chopped
1 Tbsp white vinegar
1 Tbsp olive oil

1 head lettuce - chopped
1 package goat feta

Prepare quinoa according to directions on package.  While it's cooking, rinse chickpeas. Place in bowl with artichokes.  When quinoa is cooked, add to bowl along with vinegar and olive oil.  Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Serve over lettuce.  Top with 1 Tbsp crumbled feta per plate.  Enjoy.

Geneen Roth was on Oprah again this week.  So much resonated with me.  Though I eat much healthier now compared to the past, I still find myself eating when I'm bored, tired or stressed.  I must continue to be aware of my body and what it really needs instead of assuming that food is the fix for everything.  Over the next few days I plan to be mindful before, during and after meals.  I don't think that I will do the whole 15 week plan but perhaps others will find it inspiring.

My life is full, food is not always the answer.

Be well.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Workouts in the bedroom, frontyard and at the beach

Don't get too excited - the workout in the bedroom was not a "romp" but a true workout that actually caused me to be sore the next day!  I wasn't able to get the gym for a variety of reasons so here's what I did:

The Bedroom Workout
15 squats holding onto foot board
15 push ups
15 static lunges on each side
15 jumping pull-ups (see note below)
Repeat above for a total of three times
Then 2 minutes of plank

Note: A few years ago my husband installed this climbing wall/pull-up thing above the door frame in our bedroom.  I HATED it and made him place it where I couldn't see it.  Well, I hate to admit this but it's a really good way to get some exercise!  Now, what I did isn't too safe so I came up with something for the next workout but for this time I placed a step stool underneath the pull-up thing, held on and jumped into a pull-up.  I got the benefits of a pull-up (which I can't really do) and the cardio benefits as well.

The Frontyard Workout
1 minute of steps on the curb
15 push ups with feet on exercise ball
jog around court twice (about 3 minutes)
15 jumping pull-ups using tree limb in neighbor's yard
jump rope until HR over 85%
15 wood chops with each arm
Repeat above for a total of 3 sets

The Beach Workout
15 push-ups with hands elevated on lounge chair
sit against wall for 2 minutes
15 lunges with each leg
Repeat above 3 times
Walk 40 minutes, enjoy ocean breeze and sunshine.

Today I went back the gym for a more traditional workout.  I did 30 minutes on the bike and then about 40 minutes of strength training mixed with talking to my friend.  The weight disk routine we used can be found here.  My friend did hers with a 12 pound dumbell which seemed to work fine.

Tomorrow I'll be walking around NYC with another friend who does ultra-marathons, god help me.

Be well.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Weathering the heat

It has been too long since I've written here but I have been exercising.  Last week, after the yard work day, I went to the gym and either walked on the treadmill or rode the stationary bike and then did some sort of strength training routine.  Friday was kettle bells - one of my very favorite things.

We visited my brother's family this past weekend where we spent most of the time trying to keep cool.  There was a fair amount of walking but the heat was getting to the children so we had to cut our outing short.  Again, I was pleased to find that I had plenty of strength and energy to walk with the family and not find a bench at every opportunity.  Sometimes it makes me sad to think about how deconditioned I had become but then I forgive myself and feel gratitude for the body I now inhabit.

I did manage to get down to their gym one day for a 50 minute workout - 35 minutes treadmill then a medicine ball circuit finishing with a Bosu Ball exercise:

Place Bosu ball on floor with ball side down.  Hold onto side handles, keeping arms straight and body in plank position.  Slowly lift one leg off floor.  Repeat with other leg.  Alternate for as many as you can do, keeping back flat and core tight.

We are continuing to experience a most impressive heatwave on the East Coast.  Our shades are drawn, the lights are off and the oven is in hibernation.  The gym is in my plans this afternoon as well as making jello, sewing and perhaps some summer reading.

And I found two more interesting articles specifically about women's fitness.  The first is on recalibrating the formula for maximum heart rate and the second is on the (limited) benefits of protein after women exercise.

Be well and keep cool.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Signed up.

I did it.  I paid for the WITS course and bought the book.  Course begins July 18th.  

(sigh of relief.)

I"m really excited but nervous too.  

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Yardwork and a wheatberry recipe!

Again, I started the day with a plan to get to the gym in the morning.  But instead I picked up a shovel and dug up a patch of my backyard and let me tell you, that's damn hard work!  I wasn't wearing my HR monitor but if I had, it would have been beeping like hell.  I did this off and on for a couple of hours (probably less, but it felt like longer.)  My feet, hands and face were covered in mud.  I tasted dirt.  It was good.

In the summer I make myself limeade or lemonade spritzers.  That way I can drink something fizzy without the extra calories.  Today I did something even more special:

Fill glass halfway with Raspberry Zinger tea (I sweetened mine with homemade jam that never set)
Fill rest of glass with fizzy water (we make our own)
Top with a sprig or two of mint

Kick up your feet and marvel at the results of your (very hard) physical labor.

For lunch I enjoyed my wheat berry tabouleh.  Two months ago I was obsessed with quinoa, this month it's all about wheat berries.  They are so easy to make and add a nice texture to any salad.  Here's my recipe:

1 cup wheat berries
1 bunch of parsley, stems removed and chopped.
1 cucumber, seeded and cut into 1/2 inch pieces
1 cup of cherry tomatoes, cut in half
Juice of 1 lemon (2 if a small lemon)
A few (2-3) tablespoons of olive oil - I'm pretty stingy with this stuff
Salt and pepper to taste.

Cover wheat berries with at least 2 inches of water and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat to a simmer and cook for an hour, adding water if necessary - very important, I forgot to do this and burned them once!

While they're cooking, mix the rest of the ingredients in a large bowl.

When wheat berries are ready, they will be a bit chewy.  Rinse under cold water.  Strain and add to parsley mix.  Can be covered and stored in the fridge for a 3 days.  Best the first day though.  Perfect for a summer picnic.  Enjoy.

Be well.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Some interesting reads

Some of the best articles about living a fit life can be found in unusual places.  Here are a couple of my favorites.

Need to get to that spinning class but little Lucy is still asleep.  sigh.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Back to the gym

There are a few things that I never thought would happen;  looking forward to getting back the gym is one of them.

The last few weeks have been hectic with Lucy being out of school and then my trip to help my mother move.  As I stated in my last post, I was active during the move but it really wasn't the same as a gym sweat fest!  Plus, towards the end it was just hot and I continued to give in to my cravings for bad (read unhealty) Oklahoma food.

So yesterday I put on my exercise clothes, ate some egg whites with goat feta and made my way to the gym.  First I hit the treadmill for some serious walking.  I never thought that I could get an awesome cardio workout from walking but with the combination of a higher incline and increased speed, I kept my HR around 75% pushing it to 85% for a few minutes.  And then the endorphin rush arrived around 25 minutes which reinforced that walking can be an aerobic activity!

Then I did the following:

On the Cable Machine
15 two arm pushes
15 two arm pulls
15 squats to near sitting
Repeat above for a total of 3 sets.

15 Woodchops using 10lb dumbbell, repeat other side
12 squat, overhead press with 4 kg medicine ball
Repeat above for a total of 3 sets.

A note: I got a second endorphin rush towards the end of the 3rd set of these but that's mostly due to the USA scoring a goal and winning their game.

Lots of stretching.

55 minutes.  525 calories.  yahoo!

I'm hesitating a bit on this personal training thing and I'm not sure why.  I look in the mirror and think who would choose me to be their trainer?  But I have to remind myself that this is also my own personal journey with fitness.  My hope is that others will want to create their own journeys too with me as their guide, that is until they find the strength to do it themselves and then they can refer their friends.  haha.  Seriously, I'm putting myself out there in a way that I've never done.  Midwifery is not at all about me, it's about my patients and their families.  I know that personal training isn't really about me, but by getting certified I am making the statement that I am fit and that I care about fitness.  My personal physique should reflect this, right?

Let me think about this and write more tomorrow after my *outdoor* spinning class. It's crazy that they are going to move the spin cycyles downstairs but if they're willing to do, then I'm willing to go.

Be well.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Moving On

My mother is moving out of her house this week so I'm here helping her get things organized.  Each day has consisted of lifting, packing, carrying, cleaning, pushing and pulling.  There's been no time for a formal workout but I feel confident that I've been getting plenty of exercise.  By the end of the day my body just crashes and I sleep well at night.

The hardest thing has been eating healthy food during the move.  There's no fridge and all of the cooking tools have been back so I'm reliant on restaurants for meals.  Thankfully the motel offers breakfast so I start each day with two hard-boiled egg whites and instant oatmeal.  Lunch is usually some sort of wrap or sandwich.  In general I'm not eating the bread.  And dinner can be hit or miss.  Some of my favorite comfort foods are here in my hometown so I'm constantly fighting the urge to eat fries, greasy burgers and Mexican food.  I have allowed myself the occasional fry but for the most part I'm avoiding all of the "bad" stuff that I used to eat when stressed.  This to me is a good sign - I've developed different and healthier coping skills in instead of resorting to old habits.  And the weirdest thing is that I actually crave push-ups, squats and lunges.

Next week it's back to my routine.

Be well.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Wow, is it hot here!  But I still managed to ride my bike for 45 minutes.  Stretch for 10.

Keep cool!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Kettle Bells Again and Personal Insight

It's nice out today so rather than go to the gym I chose to workout in my (mini) backyard.

Using a 15lb kettlebell:

10 one arm swings, repeat other side then
10 one arm swing and press/punch, repeat other side
Repeat above for a total of 3 sets
10 clean, squat, overhead press, repeat other side x 3
10 one arm reverse wood chop, repeat other side x 3
5 snatches, repeat other side, rest 15 seconds. Repeat until unbearable or HR is over 90%.
I was able to do a total of 80.

Plus this morning I rode my bike over to the mall to meet a friend for coffee.  15 minute ride roundtrip.

My 20th HS reunion is in one week!  2 years ago this moment would have been quite stressful for me for all the usual reasons: I'm not thin enough, I have nothing to wear, my hair is going grey....  Well, it gives me great pleasure to report that I am thrilled to be going to my reunion.  The last 20 years have presented me with both opportunities and obstacles but I'm still here and feeling pretty good about what I have achieved professionally and personally.

My body is no longer an obstacle, it has become an opportunity.  An opportunity to be stronger, healthier and (hopefully) to create a new career for myself.  I will continue to work on this body and all that comes with it.  But it thrills me to no end when I...

walk up the hill to work without effort.
ride my bike to the farmer's market.
stand on my feet all day at work without feeling like sitting down.
play (run) with my daughter outside.
swing kettle bells for 40 minutes.
dance with Lucy for no other reason except that it's fun.
see muscle definition in my arms, back, calves, abs....

And as far as what to wear and my greying hair, problem solved: adorable pink and orange dress with fabulous patent leather platforms and even more fun punk hairstyle colored a lovely shade of brown.

Be well and enjoy!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Weekly update

40 minute walk in the heat listening to Sleigh Bells, which, as I've written before, is seriously a great album.  I tried to do some push-ups and dips but it was too hot so I went inside and took a shower instead.

Errands.  Lots and lots of errands.  Bought a new swimsuit with the hope of getting back to the pool.

We went to the Philly Zoo and walked for about 3 hours.  That has to count as some sort of activity.  Lucy was more interested in finding the Lego animals than the real ones.  Managed not to eat a hot dog.  We brought PB&Js with us instead.

A return to real exercise.  Using a 15 lb kettle bell:

10 one arm swings on each arm
10 swings and press on each arm
Repeat above for a total of three sets
15 single arm kettle bell row x 3 on both sides
30 "around the world" kettle bell swings alternating sides x 3
15 kettle bell burpees x 3


Be well.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Garage Sale

No workout today.  Garage sale from 9 - 2 which really meant 7:30 (set-up) to 3 (pack-up).  Crazy hot here - I can't seem to keep hydrated enough!

After I cool off I'm headed over to Macy's to spend my earnings on a new blender so I can make yummy power-smoothies.  I don't put yogurt in mine since I'm lactose intolerant. My recipe is water (instead of juice) frozen fruit and Whole Foods whey vanilla protein powder.  They're pretty tasty and perfect for summer.  I'm not going to lie - I will also be using this blender to make mixed drinks.  yum.

Keep cool and be well.

Friday, June 4, 2010

That long-overdue workout

Here it is:

6 minutes on the upper-body cycle machine, alternating 1 minute forward, 1 minute backward

Then the following routine:

15 box step-ups with overhead dumbbell press using 10 lb.  Repeat with left leg

15 medicine ball pushups, 7 on R, 8 on L

30 forward rows with 10 lb dumbbell

30 seconds jumping side to side over rope

15 medicine ball swings (1st set stop at shoulders, 2nd set overhead, 3rd set at shoulders)

20 (16,18) plank rows with 10 lb dumbell

15 wood chops with 10 lb dumbbell - repeat on other side

30 seconds on balance board

Repeat all of the above for a total of three times.


9 Burpees using Bosu.  When jumping, hold Bosu at chest.  I wanted to do more but my body mutinied.

Finish with 3 sets of medicine ball abdominal exercises.  Sit on floor, hold ball at chest, raise feet off floor.  Rotate ball side to side for a total of 30.


60 minutes.  566 calories burned.

Last year this workout would have been too hard for me.  But today it was hard but felt good.  A note about the reps - I found that the plank rows were pushing my HR too high so I decided to do them until I heard by HR monitor beeping.   In general I tried to take only a little rest between each exercise - just enough to allow my HR to come down to about 75%.

Yesterday I had every intention of going to the gym but meetings during the day kept me from making that a reality.  After I picked up Lucy I drove over to the gym with her which did not make her happy.  My thought was that it was too hot to be outside, so she could hang out in the daycare until 4:30 or so and then we would head home.  Her response was that it may be too hot to play outside but it was just the right weather for swimming.  I thought about this and decided that she was right. So, we stopped for a cool treat at Stewart's and then went home, put on our suits and jumped in the community pool.  It was the perfect thing to do.  Swimming with Lucy was a blast and it felt great not to be as self-conscious about my body as I used to.  Sure, I'm still overweight but I feel better so the opinions of others just don't matter to me.  And I don't want Lucy to see her mother sitting by the pool in a chair, all covered up for fear that someone will catch a glimpse of her thighs!

This goes to my point that it's not about exercising 7 plus hours a week, it's about being active and engaged in your life.

Be well and get outside!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

On the road

This Memorial Day Holiday was essentially a biking weekend extravaganza for me.  After riding around on my Electra Townie Saturday and Sunday, I decided that it was time to hit the pavement on my Specialized. So I got on my gear and headed outside and onto the road.

I've mentioned before that I usually ride around in an office park but I'm trying to be adventurous and ride real roads.  Yesterday after riding around the neighborhood, I crossed the main road and cycled into uncharted territory, for me that is.  I did stoplights, left turns and bridges.  And what is really cool is that I felt confident about my strength on the bike.  I wore my HR monitor so I was careful not to overexert and I stayed on roads that I knew well.  Still, it was challenging for me - 1 complete hour on my bike only riding in the office park to get home.  550 calories burned.

Sadly, that was the best part of the day.  I'm kinda joking but this is what happened: the dishwasher broke, the water heater started leaking and I left my sunroof cracked not expecting a torrential downpour.  Lesson learned.  Everything is fixed today but I really think I must have ticked-off the water goddess!

Due to the above activity, I was not able to get to the gym as planned.  I'd really been looking forward to a long cross-fit style workout today complete with medicine balls, Bosu, jump rope and weight disks.  Instead I went out in the heat and humidity to jog/walk for 30 minutes.  I know that I'm not really supposed to be jogging with this IT band thing but I just couldn't get excited about walking briskly.  So I jogged a mile then walked backed home while listening to the new Sleigh Bells album, which it turns out is a pretty good work-out album.  Hmm.

Tomorrow I'm working so it's a day off from exercise.  Not sure what Thursday will bring.  Perhaps that long overdue Cross-fit routine!

Oh and I completely forgot!  My kitchen is back to being a functional part of our house.  I've never been so happy to see water coming out of a faucet!  Tonight we enjoyed bounty from our farm share: lettuce and radishes.  Radishes can be a bit harsh raw so I like to saute them in a bit of butter (just a bit, honest) and finish it off with vinegar.  This mellows their flavor.  I served them on the side of a simple salad tossed with salt, olive oil and white wine vinegar, some cucumbers and shrimp.  It's hot here so this was the perfect meal: crisp and refreshing.

Be well.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Weekend Activities

I must have worked out a lot harder on Thursday than I realized because I am still sore today!  Maybe it was all that Sudafed.

So, I took the day off on Friday and just stretched.  Yesterday Lucy and I rode over to our local farmer's market.  We must have been some site: both of us with our pink jackets and pink helmets on.  Lucy rode on an attachment that hooks onto my bike - she had her American Girl Doll in her basket while my bike was sporting a new over-the-top basket from here.  I thought that the ride wouldn't be that bad, I mean I ride all the time for much lonter distances.  Well, pulling a 5 year-old who is theoretically helping is not easy.  But we made it over there, purchased locally grown flowers and strawberries (and a few other goodies from here and here) then rode home.  

The children in our neighborhood planned an entire afternoon of games and competitions.  They were quite motivated with obstacle courses, ball tosses and road races!  After they were finished, everyone headed over to the community pool to cool off.  While there I did the following circuit:

15 push-ups (girlie kind)
15 heel raises on each leg
20 lunges

Repeat above three times.

We all slept well.

Today we've already completed our activity - we participated in a local Bike Festival, riding 7 miles of local roads and trails.  Mitch and Lucy biked over the the festival, I took the easy way out and drove.  Later we'll swim and I'll probably do a mini kettle-bell workout.

Two years ago this much activity would have been unthinkable for me.  I probably would have complained...a lot.  But now, it's a given that we'll be physically active on the weekends.  I'm proud of us for getting out there as a family and enjoying our community and I'm proud of me for having the physical strength to do it.