Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Cleaning and Reading

I hope that you are enjoying the recent thaw though it looks like we are in for a bit more winter weather on the East Coast this week.  But spring is officially here so now is the time to reassess your fitness and wellness goals in anticipation of getting outside to enjoy all that this beautiful season of rebirth has to offer.

We’re all aware of the concept of Spring Cleaning with regards to our homes, yards and garages but what about for ourselves?  Are there old ways of thinking that need to be swept away?   Does your fitness routine need an update?  Or perhaps it’s time to make that wellness check-up you have been putting off.  Whatever it is, take a few minutes this week to think about things that you need to do for yourself so that you feel refreshed and revived this season.

Below is a list of a few of my favorite fitness and wellness titles to inspire:

Happier by Tal Ben-Shahar
This book is a compilation of Harvard lectures giving by one of the leading researchers in the area of positive psychology

Mayo Clinic Diet by Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
An excellent book on the basics of nutrition

On Target Living by Chris Johnson
This book goes one step further than the above with specific food recommendations.  Very easy to understand!

Power Foods by The Editors of Whole Living
Great recipes that incorporate the recommendations from the two books listed above.

So get started and enjoy spring! 

Be well.

Monday, March 7, 2011

You know you are a changed person when you go on a trip and...

you pack two sets of exercise clothes.

the first thing you do after checking in is visit the workout area.

you plan when you are going to exercise each day.

you get excited about the prospect of exercise without rushing off to pick up your daughter at school.

you get even more excited when you find a yoga mat hanging in the closet of your hotel room.

you also get excited when there are McCann's Oats on the breakfast menu.

you blog about exercising on vacation!

Be well.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Something is better than nothing

Lost track of time today so I did the following workout.  Lucy cheered me on!

1 minute on step (up, up, down, down)
30 jumping jacks
10 burpees

Repeat above for a total of 3 sets
20 dead bugs
20 superman

Repeat above once more

End with 2 minutes of plank (divide into 30 second increments if necessary).

Be well.