Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Big Day

My test is tomorrow which includes a written multiple choice exam as well as a practical session.  I took both of the practice exams as well as the quizzes and I consistently make between 88 and 91% solidifying my belief that I am forever destined to be a B+/A- student.

When I was studying chemistry and biochem all those years ago I used to sit and read the same paragraph over and over again hoping that at some point some chemical process would make sense.  I could never just accept an equation outright - I had to really understand it.  Unfortunately I am still the same way so instead of just accepting the processes of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation I find myself looking on wikipedia and studying that Krebs chart - the one that haunted me so many years ago.  There's no reason for me to torture myself but I just want to understand all of this - not for a test but for myself.  It didn't seem to matter so much in college as it was just something I had to know to take a test so I could take another test and another test then perhaps go to medical school.  Now I want to understand it for myself and my future clients.  Why, I'm not entirely sure.  But for some reason, at this point in my life I am actually interested in comprehending energy production at a cellular level.  Go figure.

Wish me luck!

Be well.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lots and lots of exercise!

Oh my, a lot of time has passed without any posts.  I've been too busy exercising.

Today I made it to spinning and was pleased to discover that I could complete the whole routine without having to slow down or take a break.  I even pushed myself a bit harder than usual.  Plus, at the end of the class the instructor gave me a few words of encouragement by saying, "you did great today."  It's amazing how these few words really bolstered my spirit.  I felt that I had done well but it was still nice to hear it from her.  This is something for me to remember and be mindful of when I'm working with clients - everyone likes to get positive feedback and be told that they are doing a good job.  In fact, that's a good thing to remember for life!

My husband has asked me to help him get in shape so I have been practicing on him and designing programs for us to do together.  He isn't paying me but instead I am earning "credit" towards the purchase of luxury items.  I realize that there are some who will think that this arrangement is absurd but for us it works. I have the motivation to keep him exercising so that I can acquire credits and his motivation - well that's for him to find.  It's quite strange - for the first time in our relationship I am more passionate about fitness than he his but I know this will change with time.  Plus, I found a really lovely sweater that would be the perfect addition to my fall wardrobe.  haha.

Ok, so hold onto your seats or rather, get out of your seat and plan some gym time.  Here are 3 separate strength training routines.  Each starts with large muscle groups then moves to smaller muscles.  They all include whole body exercises as well as a bit of core training.


8 minute warm-up on treadmill.  HR to about 60-65%

Bosu Jumps - 10 reps on each side x 3 sets
Box step-ups with single arm overhead press (dumbbell) 12 reps x 3 sets

Push-ups 15 then
Plank row with 8 lb dumbell  8 each side
Repeat for 3 sets

Assisted Pull-ups - 3 sets as many as you can do

Cable Curls - 12 -15 x 3sets
Cable Tricep Press - 12 -15 x 3 sets

Heel Raises - 15 x 3 sets

Hamstring Curls using Stability Ball - 12-15 x 3 sets

Stability Ball Crunches 15 x 3 sets

Superman on Stability Ball - hold for 15 seconds x 3



8 minute warm-up on treadmill.  HR to about 60-65%

15 Squat overhead press with medicine ball then
16 Forward lunge and side rotation with medicine ball (8 each side) then
Side to side jumping for 30 seconds - I put a jump rope on floor and jump over it from side to side.

Repeat above for 3 sets.

10-12 Suspended Cable Push-up then
10-12 Suspended Inverted Row

Repeat above for 3 sets.

Using bands:
15 standing biceps curl
15 overhead single tricep extension

Stability Ball Superman hold for 15 secs for 3 sets

Crunches on ball
Crunches with oblique twist

Plank x 30 seconds
Side plank 15 - 30 secs per side

# 3 This one I did alone but hope to do with Mitch tonight.  Almost all bands

8 minute warm-up on treadmill.  HR to about 60-65%

15 squats with medicine ball swing to shoulder height then
12 hamstring bent knee kick-backs with band repeat other side (on elbows and knees) then
12 gluteal bent leg raises with band repeat other side (on elbows and knees)
Repeat above for 3 sets

15 side walks with band, repeat other side - works adductors, ie glutes.

Using Bands:
15 lateral raises
15 overhead press
Repeat above for 3 sets

15 Standing Chest Press
15 Standing Row
Repeat above for 3 sets

12 reverse fly x 3 sets.

15 Push-ups with one hand on 4 lb. Bosu Fitness Ball (7 one side, 8 the other)

20 heel raises x 3 sets

15 Stability ball crunches holding medicine ball overhead x 3 sets

20 Stability ball and medicine ball oblique rotation - sit on  stability ball, extend arms, holding medicine ball with both hands, rotate to side, come to center, rotate to other side.

30 seconds plank.


Be well.

Lots and lots of exercise!

Oh my, a lot of time has passed without any posts.  I've been too busy exercising.

Today I made it to spinning and was pleased to discover that I could complete the whole routine without having to slow down or take a break.  I even pushed myself a bit harder than usual.  Plus, at the end of the class the instructor gave me a few words of encouragement by saying, "you did great today."  It's amazing how these few words really bolstered my spirit.  I felt that I had done well but it was still nice to hear it from her.  This is something for me to remember and be mindful of when I'm working with clients - everyone likes to get positive feedback and be told that they are doing a good job.  In fact, that's a good thing to remember for life!

My husband has asked me to help him get in shape so I have been practicing on him and designing programs for us to do together.  He isn't paying me but instead I am earning "credit" towards the purchase of luxury items.  I realize that there are some who will think that this arrangement is absurd but for us it works. I have the motivation to keep him exercising so that I can acquire credits and his motivation - well that's for him to find.  It's quite strange - for the first time in our relationship I am more passionate about fitness than he his but I know this will change with time.  Plus, I found a really lovely sweater that would be the perfect addition to my fall wardrobe.  haha.

Ok, so hold onto your seats or rather, get out of your seat and plan some gym time.  Here are 3 separate strength training routines.  Each starts with large muscle groups then moves to smaller muscles.  They all include whole body exercises as well as a bit of core training.


8 minute warm-up on treadmill.  HR to about 60-65%

Bosu Jumps - 10 reps on each side x 3 sets
Box step-ups with single arm overhead press (dumbbell) 12 reps x 3 sets

Push-ups 15 then
Plank row with 8 lb dumbell  8 each side
Repeat for 3 sets

Assisted Pull-ups - 3 sets as many as you can do

Cable Curls - 12 -15 x 3sets
Cable Tricep Press - 12 -15 x 3 sets

Heel Raises - 15 x 3 sets

Hamstring Curls using Stability Ball - 12-15 x 3 sets

Stability Ball Crunches 15 x 3 sets

Superman on Stability Ball - hold for 15 seconds x 3



8 minute warm-up on treadmill.  HR to about 60-65%

15 Squat overhead press with medicine ball then
16 Forward lunge and side rotation with medicine ball (8 each side) then
Side to side jumping for 30 seconds - I put a jump rope on floor and jump over it from side to side.

Repeat above for 3 sets.

10-12 Suspended Cable Push-up then
10-12 Suspended Inverted Row

Repeat above for 3 sets.

Using bands:
15 standing biceps curl
15 overhead single tricep extension

Stability Ball Superman hold for 15 secs for 3 sets

Crunches on ball
Crunches with oblique twist

Plank x 30 seconds
Side plank 15 - 30 secs per side

# 3 This one I did alone but hope to do with Mitch tonight.  Almost all bands

8 minute warm-up on treadmill.  HR to about 60-65%

15 squats with medicine ball swing to shoulder height then
12 hamstring bent knee kick-backs with band repeat other side (on elbows and knees) then
12 gluteal bent leg raises with band repeat other side (on elbows and knees)
Repeat above for 3 sets

15 side walks with band, repeat other side - works adductors, ie glutes.

Using Bands:
15 lateral raises
15 overhead press
Repeat above for 3 sets

15 Standing Chest Press
15 Standing Row
Repeat above for 3 sets

12 reverse fly x 3 sets.

15 Push-ups with one hand on 4 lb. Bosu Fitness Ball (7 one side, 8 the other)

20 heel raises x 3 sets

15 Stability ball crunches holding medicine ball overhead x 3 sets

20 Stability ball and medicine ball oblique rotation - sit on  stability ball, extend arms, holding medicine ball with both hands, rotate to side, come to center, rotate to other side.

30 seconds plank.


Be well.

Monday, August 16, 2010

A shopping surprise

So, I've been at this whole fitness thing for just about 17 months and have enjoyed the fruits of my labor in many ways: elevated mood, better sleep and increased energy.  I have lost some weight and fat along the way but I haven't noticed a substantial change in my clothes other than that they seem to feel better when I put them on.  I mostly wear jeans and t-shirts so it's hard to tell if much is really changing in the body shape department.

So you can imagine my surprise when I tried on a dress by one of my very favorite designers and it fit.  It didn't kinda fit with some help from Spanx and wishful thinking - it really fit.  I looked in 3 different mirrors to assure myself that it wasn't an optical illusion.  I didn't even recognize the shape in front of me.  The arms are tone, the shoulders broad and the legs a bit shapely.  To say that I was shocked is an understatement.  I asked the sales girl how it looked and of course she said it looked great but I was still doubtful so I've enlisted a good friend to go back with me to confirm my suspicion - clothes fit me better.

Inspired by my own makeover, I went to the gym today with the express purpose of doing some cardio and core training.  I'm way into this warm-up concept so I warmed up for 8 minutes on the treadmill at about 60% max and then did another 20 minutes at 75% max but then my IT band started causing me some discomfort so I switched over to the stationery bike to do the last remaining 10 minutes.

Then I did the following:

15 crunches on stability ball x 3 sets (be sure that knees are at 90 degree angles)

"Superman" for 15 -20 secs x 3 with belly on stability ball and arms supporting body with hands on floor

10 back extensions on stability ball x 3 sets.

side plank for 15 secs both sides.  I was able to do straight leg for the first set and then bent knees for the second.

Lots and lots and lots of stretching.

Back to the gym tomorrow perhaps with just a strength workout maybe including some plyometrics if I'm lucky. ha ha!

Be well.

Monday, August 9, 2010

My first (sort-of) client

I haven't posted in quite a while but don't think I haven't been meaning to.  Last week we had a staycation of sorts so my exercise was intermittent at best.  But one of the best things was that we spent a day walking around DC and I didn't complain once!  This may seem trivial to some but for me it was monumental - I'm usually intollerant of sight-seeing and am always on the look-out for a bench or chair.  But not this time!  yeah!

My class is going really well.  Much of the science is review for me from all those biochem and nursing courses but what is new is the application to real life, that is, to exercise.  So, I had my first victim, I mean client today so that I could practice some of the basics: warm-up, exercises and stretches.  Since this "client" was my dear friend Amy, I did it along with her.   I designed this to be a mix of total body and arm/chest isolation with some core work throughout by using the exercise ball.  Here's how it went:

10 minute warm-up on treadmill to 60% of  HRmax (exertion of 6/10)
15 minute interval running/walking: 85-92% for 3 minutes, walk for 2 minutes


15 Squat Press with medicine ball: 3 sets

12 Lunges with dumbbell swing, repeat other leg: 3 sets
***Note: Hold weight in arm opposite of leg in front.  Squat down and swing weight up to shoulder  height as you power up.  Make sure that knees are at 90 degree angles!  Don't swing above shoulder.

Using Exercise Ball and Dumbbells

12 bicep curls seated on ball
12 chest press with upper back and neck on ball
12 butterfly
12 single dumbbell overhead tricep (hold weight with both hands).

Drop weights, roll forward a bit and do butt dipps - I know there is a better term for this but it's late.

Repeat above twice.  I would have done one more but Amy was tired.

Using Bosu Ball:

Mountain Climber: hold sides of Bosu with body in plank.  Bring knee forward. Repeat with other leg.

Amy had a hard time with this b/c she had a back injury a number of years ago so we did a few Bosu push-ups instead.  It was her first Bosu experience so I added a bit of stability for her by gently holding the front of the Bosu.


Holding medicine ball over head, bend side to side SLOWLY for 12 -16.  Again, I would have repeated this 2 more times but I didn't want to cause her any back discomfort but I do want to continue to strengthen her back and core.

End with 1 minute of plank.


Drink water.

HR monitor registered 75 minutes, 723 calories.  Yipee!!

Amy is a bit sore which is to be expected.  Our next session will focus more on the upper back, adductors and of course core.

Be well.