I haven't posted in quite a while but don't think I haven't been meaning to. Last week we had a staycation of sorts so my exercise was intermittent at best. But one of the best things was that we spent a day walking around DC and I didn't complain once! This may seem trivial to some but for me it was monumental - I'm usually intollerant of sight-seeing and am always on the look-out for a bench or chair. But not this time! yeah!
My class is going really well. Much of the science is review for me from all those biochem and nursing courses but what is new is the application to real life, that is, to exercise. So, I had my first victim, I mean client today so that I could practice some of the basics: warm-up, exercises and stretches. Since this "client" was my dear friend Amy, I did it along with her. I designed this to be a mix of total body and arm/chest isolation with some core work throughout by using the exercise ball. Here's how it went:
10 minute warm-up on treadmill to 60% of HRmax (exertion of 6/10)
15 minute interval running/walking: 85-92% for 3 minutes, walk for 2 minutes
15 Squat Press with medicine ball: 3 sets
12 Lunges with dumbbell swing, repeat other leg: 3 sets
***Note: Hold weight in arm opposite of leg in front. Squat down and swing weight up to shoulder height as you power up. Make sure that knees are at 90 degree angles! Don't swing above shoulder.
Using Exercise Ball and Dumbbells
12 bicep curls seated on ball
12 chest press with upper back and neck on ball
12 butterfly
12 single dumbbell overhead tricep (hold weight with both hands).
Drop weights, roll forward a bit and do butt dipps - I know there is a better term for this but it's late.
Repeat above twice. I would have done one more but Amy was tired.
Using Bosu Ball:
Mountain Climber: hold sides of Bosu with body in plank. Bring knee forward. Repeat with other leg.
Amy had a hard time with this b/c she had a back injury a number of years ago so we did a few Bosu push-ups instead. It was her first Bosu experience so I added a bit of stability for her by gently holding the front of the Bosu.
Holding medicine ball over head, bend side to side SLOWLY for 12 -16. Again, I would have repeated this 2 more times but I didn't want to cause her any back discomfort but I do want to continue to strengthen her back and core.
End with 1 minute of plank.
Drink water.
HR monitor registered 75 minutes, 723 calories. Yipee!!
Amy is a bit sore which is to be expected. Our next session will focus more on the upper back, adductors and of course core.
Be well.
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