Monday, July 26, 2010

Wardrobe Malfunction

Today started out like a typical Monday.  My daughter refused to get up until the very last minute so we found ourselves rushing out the door to catch the camp bus, each holding a banana and energy bar.  Fortunately the bus was running a bit late so Lucy was able to finish her "breakfast" and skipped onto the bus.

As for me, I made my way to the local Starbucks for some coffee and breakfast.  Then I caught up on the news (depressing) and finally opened my textbook.  More science.  Lots of it.  VO2 Max, stroke volume, cardiac output.  It made my head swim and flashback to my younger college days.  It also made me really grateful that fitness has become such a big part of my life!  It's one thing to have my clothes fit better and see muscles where there have been none for quite some time but it's quite another thing to realize just how much my heart is benefiting from all of this too.

Inspired, I then drove over to the local library in search of some more books on exercise physiology.  Major disappointment.  There were lots of books on loosing weight, 90 seconds to a better you and the benefits of geriatric yoga, but there was only one on the actual science of exercise.  Then I thought I would peruse through the most recent exercise magazines only to find that the only ones they had were Men's Health and Men's Fitness.  What's up with that?  Of course, there was a Yoga Magazine and Whole Living (formerly Body and Soul) but otherwise not much else to read.

Then I decided it was time to go to the gym.  Again, I got in my car and drove to the gym only to realize that my gym bag was still at home!  I had left myself plenty of time so I turned around and went back for my bag.  Once I (finally) arrived at the gym, I quickly changed and was about to put my socks on when I realized that I had no shoes.  argh.  But I wasn't going to give up.  I always pack a swimsuit so I put that on with my cap and went for a swim.  That's when I realized that my goggles leaked.  A lot.  That lead me to do some kick board stuff, backstroke and tread water.  30 minutes later I was in the jacuzzi which made all of this ridiculousness worth it.

My daughter was filthy after camp so while she was in the bath allowing her hair to soak in a deep conditioning treatment to reverse chlorine damage, I did the following routine which I modified from here.  And yes, it is harder than it seems:

20 stationary lunges (10 on each leg)
15 push-ups
15 crunches
20 lunges
12 push-ups
12 crunches
20 lunges
9 push-ups
9 crunches
20 lunges
6 push-ups
6 crunches
20 lunges
3 push-ups
3 crunches

Tomorrow will be a better day.

Be well.


  1. You skipped the round of 21 and 18! I like working out in multiples of 3 or in prime numbers. Much to my amusement and delight, I have realized that the little man thinks that counting is hilarious, so counting out pushups, situps and pullups keeps him thoroughly amused.

    My workout from yesterday very nearly did me in; I wrote it down the night before and didn't realize until its execution that it was more difficult than on paper.

  2. I am not as strong as you so I started at 15. Maybe next time....
