Monday, July 26, 2010


I haven't spoken much about Crossfit here, mainly b/c I'm not an expert on it and find a lot of their exercise routines a bit on the crazy side.  But that said, I really do like the philosophy of total body fitness.  Rather than try to explain it myself, check out this article on their site.

On Saturday I attempted a kettle bell routine with minimal success.  I waited too long to exercise outside so after only 18 minutes I found that my HR wouldn't recover and I felt a bit nauseous.  The heat here was unbearable over the weekend.  Should be nicer this week so hopefully I'll be able to go for a nice long walk and enjoy, rather than tolerate, the summer.

Be well and keep hydrated!

1 comment:

  1. Crossfit converts definitely have a Kool-Aid mentality, and with any workout group, you will find people that are way intense.

    That said, I did this for a couple of months, and it works. But, anyone who tries it should be in great shape beforehand in my opinion. A good Xfit gym will also have trainers who always have good advice for modifying workouts or for alternate WODs. Not everyone can do 100 unmodified pullups or deadlift 225+.

    One of the downsides is the cost; I've known people who do the Crossfit gym routine for a couple of months and then done workouts at home for a couple of months. Again, a good Xfit gym will allow you to take breaks and not pay initiation fees after a month or more off. The groups approach is a motivator, but if you can do the workouts on your own, more power (they are available for free online but not always decipherable).

    Also, they do publish a good journal pretty regularly, which you can subscribe to for a low fee. Lots of good info in there.
