Monday, September 19, 2011

The Simple Seven

I came across this list from the American Heart Association: Life's Simple 7.  Are you meeting all the criteria?  If not, think about changes you can make in your lifestyle today to put you on the path to healthy heart living.

Here's the list:

1. Get active
2. Eat better
3. Lose weight
4. Stop smoking
5. Control cholesterol
6. Manage blood pressure
7. Reduce blood sugar

Be well.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Vacation Exercising - Once Seemed Like an Oxymoron

Not all that long ago the  very thought of exercising on vacation was laughable.  For relaxation, I'd pack my bags with knitting, books and an ipod loaded with my favorite tunes.  My clothes were comfortable.  Maybe a nice dress.  Lots of shoes.

Wow, what a difference a few years can make.  Now, the first things I pack are my exercise clothes.  Then my exercise bands.  The last thing: my running sneaks because I go on a quick walk before traveling and my ipod because I would have just loaded it with my favorite podcasts that I will listen to while walking.

Back in the day, I would get up, make a big breakfast, read, sit, sleep.

Now, I eat a quick breakfast and head outside for a run, walk, bike ride, yoga, calisthenics.  Then I can sit and read or knit.  Instead of an afternoon nap, I take an afternoon walk.

Like I said, what a difference a few years can make.

However vacation exercising is not like non-vacation exercising.  What is different is that these sessions are generally, though not always, a bit less intense than my time at the gym and they are always more free flowing in nature.

For example, I might go for a 45 minute walk on the boardwalk and then maybe do a few dips or push-ups.  Another day, perhaps I will enjoy a bike ride then a few squats and lunges.  Maybe some box jumps on a retaining wall.  Really, it's whatever I feel like doing.

So, I've decided to incorporate some of this "free" programming into my weekend routine when I'm not on vacation.  Here's an example:

I get up. Put on workout clothes.  Drink my coffee.  Read the paper.  Stretch.  Go for a long walk.  Come home.  Stretch.  Do some push-ups outside with my daughter.  Hula-hoop.  Jump rope with my daughter.  Rest. Read the paper again.  Straighten the house.  Make lunch.  Enjoy with my family.  Knit or sew.  Go for a leisurely walk.

Sounds nice.  Not all weekends are like this.  Some are busy.  But what I've tried to do is bring the spirit of vacation to my own family routine.  And I love my exercise on a Saturday or Sunday.  I just do whatever I feel like without any worries about how long or how much.

Try it.

Be well.