Monday, July 12, 2010

Workouts in the bedroom, frontyard and at the beach

Don't get too excited - the workout in the bedroom was not a "romp" but a true workout that actually caused me to be sore the next day!  I wasn't able to get the gym for a variety of reasons so here's what I did:

The Bedroom Workout
15 squats holding onto foot board
15 push ups
15 static lunges on each side
15 jumping pull-ups (see note below)
Repeat above for a total of three times
Then 2 minutes of plank

Note: A few years ago my husband installed this climbing wall/pull-up thing above the door frame in our bedroom.  I HATED it and made him place it where I couldn't see it.  Well, I hate to admit this but it's a really good way to get some exercise!  Now, what I did isn't too safe so I came up with something for the next workout but for this time I placed a step stool underneath the pull-up thing, held on and jumped into a pull-up.  I got the benefits of a pull-up (which I can't really do) and the cardio benefits as well.

The Frontyard Workout
1 minute of steps on the curb
15 push ups with feet on exercise ball
jog around court twice (about 3 minutes)
15 jumping pull-ups using tree limb in neighbor's yard
jump rope until HR over 85%
15 wood chops with each arm
Repeat above for a total of 3 sets

The Beach Workout
15 push-ups with hands elevated on lounge chair
sit against wall for 2 minutes
15 lunges with each leg
Repeat above 3 times
Walk 40 minutes, enjoy ocean breeze and sunshine.

Today I went back the gym for a more traditional workout.  I did 30 minutes on the bike and then about 40 minutes of strength training mixed with talking to my friend.  The weight disk routine we used can be found here.  My friend did hers with a 12 pound dumbell which seemed to work fine.

Tomorrow I'll be walking around NYC with another friend who does ultra-marathons, god help me.

Be well.

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