Monday, August 16, 2010

A shopping surprise

So, I've been at this whole fitness thing for just about 17 months and have enjoyed the fruits of my labor in many ways: elevated mood, better sleep and increased energy.  I have lost some weight and fat along the way but I haven't noticed a substantial change in my clothes other than that they seem to feel better when I put them on.  I mostly wear jeans and t-shirts so it's hard to tell if much is really changing in the body shape department.

So you can imagine my surprise when I tried on a dress by one of my very favorite designers and it fit.  It didn't kinda fit with some help from Spanx and wishful thinking - it really fit.  I looked in 3 different mirrors to assure myself that it wasn't an optical illusion.  I didn't even recognize the shape in front of me.  The arms are tone, the shoulders broad and the legs a bit shapely.  To say that I was shocked is an understatement.  I asked the sales girl how it looked and of course she said it looked great but I was still doubtful so I've enlisted a good friend to go back with me to confirm my suspicion - clothes fit me better.

Inspired by my own makeover, I went to the gym today with the express purpose of doing some cardio and core training.  I'm way into this warm-up concept so I warmed up for 8 minutes on the treadmill at about 60% max and then did another 20 minutes at 75% max but then my IT band started causing me some discomfort so I switched over to the stationery bike to do the last remaining 10 minutes.

Then I did the following:

15 crunches on stability ball x 3 sets (be sure that knees are at 90 degree angles)

"Superman" for 15 -20 secs x 3 with belly on stability ball and arms supporting body with hands on floor

10 back extensions on stability ball x 3 sets.

side plank for 15 secs both sides.  I was able to do straight leg for the first set and then bent knees for the second.

Lots and lots and lots of stretching.

Back to the gym tomorrow perhaps with just a strength workout maybe including some plyometrics if I'm lucky. ha ha!

Be well.

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