So far this summer my personal training sessions have drastically declined primarily due to two factors: travel and my clients' lack of time. For most people, summer signals a change in routine. Kids are out of school, vacations are planned and the heat, especially this summer, keeps people at home.
When my clients do come to the gym they admit that they haven't been as disciplined about their exercise routine. Instead of making them feel guilty about this because honestly, that doesn't help the situation, I try to offer suggestions. And recently I've suggested that they do just 20-30 minutes a few times a week to maintain their strength and cardio. And I suggest that they not be too hard on themselves. Sometimes even personal trainers have a hard time fitting in exercise.
I've been reading a great book by Gretchen Reynolds titled "The First 20 Minutes: Surprising Science Reveals How We Can Exercise Better, Train Smarter, Live Longer". Truly fabulous. Ms. Reynolds writes the NY Times Phys Ed column, which if you are not reading, I recommend that you do! In her book she summarizes the current literature regarding fitness and wellness then offers basics suggestions based on this science. It's a fast read and well worth the time.
So, in keeping with the 20 minute theme, I offer you a self-tested 20 minute workout. I did this pretty much without stopping and was quite sweaty by the end. If you have more than 20 minutes to exercise, feel free to add to it - maybe some ballistic movements (jumping jacks) and stretching.
Equipment: Floor, couch or ottoman, stair steps.
1 minute stair steps (up, up, down, down on one step)
30 seconds side step-ups each leg (1 minute total)
Repeat for a total of 3 sets
30 seconds mountain climbers (hands on step or floor)
30 seconds push-ups (hands on step or floor)
Repeat for a total of 3 sets
10 -15 lunges each leg
15 tricep dips on edge of couch
Repeat for a total of 3 sets
30 side bends
30 twist and overhead reach
Repeat for a total of 3 sets (you can add weights to this if you like)
20 dead bugs (10 each side)
15 bridge press
Repeat for 2 -3 sets
20 superman, alternating sides - lift left leg and right arm then repeat with opposite arm and leg.
Repeat once
plank - hold it for as long as you can
That's it. See, now that wasn't too bad was it?
Want more? Click over to these workouts from earlier posts: 30 minutes here and about 25 minutes here.
Be well.