Tuesday, November 2, 2010

keeping the momentum

The last few weeks have been a bit of a blur as I learn the lingo and details of a whole different industry. I am slowly but surely building a client base and continue to be excited about the direction I have taken with my professional life.  My very favorite part though is just being around people who are in generally good health and provide motivation to others.  It's a positive job and the potential to impact an individual's life is pretty great.

One of the things that I have done recently is to write down my own goals both professionally and personally.  It is easy to get into a habit of things and not refocus oneself.  So, I actually set a target weight goal which is keeping me motivated with my eating habits and I also set a goal for exercise - how much, what kind, etc.  You would think that by being at the gym getting in my exercise is easy but like anything else there's always an excuse not to exercise and I refuse to fall into poor habits.

My exercise routine has changed a bit but I still try to get in 30-60 minutes about 5 times a week.  And it could really be anything from a functional whole body circuit to hitting the treadmill to spinning.  At this point, the important thing is TO DO SOMETHING that elevates my heart rate and improves my strength conditioning.  Currently I'm focusing on my core and making sure that it is constantly activated when I'm training.  In turn, my abs are really responding to this and my back rarely hurts.  Amazing how the body can adjust to exercise and make improvements.

As humans, we were designed to be active, not sedentary.  Increasing our overall fitness improves mood, brain activity, immune responses etc.  And if done right, we will look better in our clothes, our skin will be rosier and we'll stand taller.

Some trainers prefer to work with clients who have already attained a high level of fitness but that's not my ideal client.  I want to help an individual find her inner strength to improve herself.  To know that she is strong and powerful.  That she can make changes for the better and that these changes will improve her quality of life.  It may sound a bit naive and optimistic but I'm ok with that.  The rest of life is hard and often downright horrible - I want to offer people hope for a better self.

And, I've lived through the change and I'm still working on myself.  Recently I went to the doctor for my annual exam which included blood work.  I was really nervous about the results.  What if all this exercise and dietary changes hadn't changed what was going on inside of me?  I knew that it had changed me in other ways but when it comes down to it, without improvement of my cholesterol and other levels, it would have been wasted.  Well, my cholesterol is at its lowest in years and is actually in the normal range as well as my triglycerides.  So, the bottom line is that this works.  I didn't take a pill, I didn't have surgery.  I did this with the help of my trainer, my family and friends and myself.

Be well and stay motivated.  It's worth it.

1 comment:

  1. go marisa! this post is so inspiring and well-written. your clients are lucky to have you.
