The past two and a half weeks have been incredibly draining both physically and emotionally. We had two deaths in the family and found ourselves traveling either up or down the I-95 corridor on a near daily basis. Miraculously I was able to maintain some degree of an exercise routine but my meals were rushed and unplanned and my spiritual self was stressed and exhausted.
Then, Thanksgiving arrived which was a mixed blessing. We still traveled between NYC and Philly to see family but we were no longer traveling for funerals or shiva; we were taking a break to be with the family left behind who find themselves grieving and trying to move forward. We reminisced, laughed and rested.
Today I awoke feeling depleted. Too tired to eat with just enough energy to drink coffee. I tried to rest and read the NY Times but even that required too much. I pulled out my knitting but that did not offer the comfort that it usually provides as my hands move in sync, yarn gliding through my fingers. No, my spirit needed something else but I didn't know what.
When I speak to clients, I talk about four areas of fitness: cardiovascular, strength, nutrition and spiritual. The last does not necessarily refer to religion but rather to activities, people or experiences that renew your soul. That fill you up. It occurred to me that I was not in a spiritually fit place and my usual coping skills either were not working or were not available as most of my friends were also away visiting family.
And, then a miracle. Lucy and I were going through old family photos when she suggested that we do some yoga. I had mentioned that I needed to exercise but that it seemed a bit cold and windy for a jog. So, she took it upon herself to do sun salutation and suggested that I do the same. I agreed with a bit of hesitation as I haven't practiced yoga in a while but soon I found myself breathing in rhythm with my body, moving from one pose to the next.
Lucy got bored, as my 6 year-olds do, but I continued on. Sun salutation, standing poses, inversions, twists. After 30 minutes my energy improved and I found myself in awe of what my body could do. Over the last 18 months I have improved my endurance, strength and flexibility. And now, I could seamlessly move from downward dog into cobra, shifting the weight of my body over my hands without touching my knees. Wow.
My lungs sighed, my shoulders dropped and my eyes brightened. My body was strong and I was grateful to be in it. We lost two wonderful people two weeks ago but we are still here, living, breathing, connecting. Just a few minutes of yoga with my child had helped me to find the energy to move through today and hopefully I will continue to incorporate this into my fit life.
How do you stay spiritually fit?
Be well.
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