Saturday, April 23, 2011

Breakfast of Champions

My clients often ask me what I eat to start my day.

It depends on the day and how much time I have but usually I eat one of three things:

Scrambled egg whites
Peanut butter and jelly on multi-grain bread.

Let's first talk about the oatmeal.  I don't even bother with that instant stuff.  Yuck.  No, I make the usual 5 minutes oats which I buy in bulk at either Wegman's or Whole Foods.  If I have a bit more time (10 min) I will make Scottish Oats made my Bob's Red Mill whereas if I'm short on time, I make Oat Bran.  And here's another tip: I make the largest suggested amount.  Oats keep really well in the fridge so if I make 4 servings, then I know that I have breakfast not just today but for 3 more mornings!  If I'm in a particularly organized mood, I will store each of the servings separately in a microwave safe container.

As far as oatmeal add-ins, my favorites are flax seeds/meal, walnuts, almonds, pecans, maple syrup, applesauce.  You can add dry fruit though I'm not a big fan myself.  A typical bowl of oats looks like this:

1 serving cooked oats
1 Tbsp chopped walnuts
1 tsp flax seeds
2 Tbsp applesauce
1-2 tsp maple syrup.

Yum yum.

Next, scrambled egg whites.

To be honest, recently I've been scrambling one egg with two to three additional egg whites.  If I've got arugula or spinach on hand, I'll throw a handful in.  Leftover broccoli  That goes in also.  Sometimes I put a Tbsp of goat cheese or goat feta on the side for a bit more flavor.   If there's plenty of time for breakfast and I've got some leftover salsa and whole-wheat tortillas in the fridge, breakfast might look something like this:

One tortilla warmed in skillet
Top with scrambled eggs
Mix together salsa and canned rinsed black beans - serve on side
Feta or goat cheese.
And if I'm really lucky, a bit of chopped cilantro.

Yum yum yum.

And finally, my old standby, peanut butter and jelly.  Always made with natural, low-sodium peanut butter and Bonne Maman jam. 1 Tbsp of each on some yummy toasted multi-grain bread and I'm off, sandwich in one hand, banana in the other.

What do you eat for breakfast?

Be well.

1 comment:

  1. Your breakfasts sound a lot like mine though I eat my oats, eggs, and butters a little differently. I am a Sunday cook and tend to go overboard. For eggs, I prefer a frittata. I usually brown most of a small onion and throw it in a bowl with six eggs/egg whites, and any greens -spinach and arugula are my faves - and cooked potatoes, or sausages if I have them. I put the whole concoction in a frying pan covered on low heat for about forty minutes. Mostly unattended. I let it cool, slice it, and eat it for breakfast, lunch or dinner all week. I am also a fan of home made granola. only takes about ten minutes of focus and a half hour in the oven for six cos. I use most of the same add ins. (Mark Bittman has an easy and delicious recipe) And since we have nut allergies in or house, we have converted to sunflower seed butter. Not exactly the same but is a decent substitute. We use the same jam. I pretty much stink at finding time to exercise but always seem to find time for food!
