Saturday, April 24, 2010

Today's workout

Today was a bit hectic.  Lucy had a sleepover and Mitch had to be to work by 8am.  Plus I had promised Lucy that I would take her into town for the community festival.  So, I had a plan and here's how it went:

This morning while Lucy and her friend rode bikes and played tea party I did a mini Kettle Bell circuit and some push ups:

15 kettle swings on each arm
15 kettle swing and press on each arm
15 push ups on ball
1 minute of "steps" - I do them on the curb

Repeat above 3 times

Then 5 kettle bell snatches on each arm with a 15 second rest, repeat for a total of 5 minutes.  I like doing this because it gets my heart rate up to about 80-85% without going over.  Plus it makes me feel kinda kick-ass.

Lucy, her friend and I then went to breakfast at the local diner to celebrate Lucy's 5 1/2 birthday.  I got egg whites with spinach and tomatoes and a bit of feta.  And a few bites of 1/2 birthday pancake.

Then we took our walk into town.  I took the jogger in case Lucy got tired which she seemed to be right from the start!  Our walk in is mostly uphill so I eventually convinced her that she needed to walk a bit by helping her find dandelion to blow for wishes.  We hung out in town and then made our way back.  I think I walked about 4.5 miles total.  Not fast but still it got me out and moving.

Now she's asleep and I can write for a bit and enjoy my peanut butter sandwich.

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